Why aren’t all my stages shown on the report?

You can choose which stages are shown by clicking the “Configure Stages” button above the chart. By default, all stages of type “open” are shown in the table and chart. The stage configuration for this app is shared among users. When you change the list of included stages, it applies for all users. Every user can change the opportunity stages shown at any time.

Why aren’t all my stages shown in the Configure Stages modal?

If you’ve recently added new opportunity stages, you’ll need to click the “reset” button within the “Configure Stages” pop up menu to pull the new stages in and allow them to be selected.

Why do I only see some of our opportunities in certain stages?

The Sales Pipeline Analytics app can only access the opportunities the user has permission to view. If the user is restricted from seeing other opportunities (e.g., other teams or employees), they won’t be included. Also, if there have been no changes to the amount, probability, stage or close date fields on the opportunity, that opportunity will not be included in the report.

What date range is shown?

The Sales Pipeline Analytics app counts all opportunities that were in one of the configured stages during a trailing 12 month window. You can change the snapshot buckets from monthly to quarterly by clicking the “Interval” button at the top right of the screen to change from monthly to quarterly.

Where does the Opportunity value come from?

The Sales Pipeline Analytics app uses the information from the amount field on your opportunity history tables to create a timeline of value changes. If you use related products on opportunities, by default this field will be the sum of the total price field on all associated line items. However, the field can be customized to show other values. Talk to your Salesforce administrator if you have questions about the value shown in your opportunity amount field.

Why do some stages show $0 of value before a certain point in time?

If you have added new opportunity stages in the past 12 months, those stages will only show values in the report table when opportunities with amounts move into the new stages. If you use Salesforce’s “Replace” functionality to update the current stage of opportunities with the new stage, you’ll still need to update the amount, probability, stage or close date fields directly on the opportunity record. Because the app pulls from the opportunity history table, there needs to be a new entry in the opportunity history related list to show the value in the new stage in the report.

Think bigger than pipeline! Try out all of our free apps, made just for sales teams:

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